The future of humanity's exploration into the depths of the solar system may be powered by a well-known, but as of yet only marginally utilized, technology: nuclear. Nuclear power and its related technologies hold a promise of making interplanetary missions faster, more efficient, and more economical.
Even if there is a foreseeable role for chemical fuels, a number of organizations - both commercial companies, and the United States' leading government R&D entities - are working on nuclear propulsion to accelerate spacecraft through space. And, as we look toward a long-term human presence on other worlds, extraterrestrial nuclear energy may be the most effective form of power to "keep the lights on."
What is the state of play in space nuclear? Are - and if so, how are - government programs, policies, and regulations enabling a space nuclear future? What technological and economic challenges stand in the way today, and what tremendous opportunities might await us?
On Friday, February 9, Beyond Earth hosted a panel discussion with several of the leading policy, technical, and entrepreneurial experts working in the field of space nuclear power.
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